Shrink DC!

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FACT: The citizens of Washington, DC, are not represented in the Federal Government, which is the entity for which the District was created. That defies the principles of democracy.

ARGUMENT: Some want to make it a state. That is not politically palatable to the rest of America. There is a solution based on historical precedent: give part of the District back to the state that donated it.

HISTORY: In 1847, the western third of DC was retroceded to Virginia. For details, see the History of Arlington County, VA.

SOLUTION: All options keep what most Americans envision as DC:
-The governmental institutions (White House, Capital, and Supreme Court)
-The most popular tourist points (Mall, Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, Jefferson Memorial).
Retrocede the rest to Maryland.

History of Arlington County, VA

DIAMOND: Returns to the original diamond shape


Returns to the original diamond shape but includes numerous residential areas.

RECTANGLE:  Easy to recognize boundaries


Keeps the boundaries easy to define, but still includes a number of residences.

MALL Plus: Eliminates most (all?) residences


Eliminates nearly (or completely?) all residential areas from the District.

Write the author of this site: Wynn Wagen

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